
can't i just take a little time to find what i'm looking for

"Lil" I felt Travis nuzzle my neck as his arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his body.

"Mmmm" I cozied up against him and squirmed a little as he nibbled my ear.

"You don't need to spoon me to get some Trav." I teased, arching my back to press my ass against his always impressive erection.

"I can spoon you if I want, your my girlfriend." I rose a brow and turned my body into him.

"What?" Travis laughed, a deep sexy sound that made me shiver all the way down to my toes.

"Funny Lil." he lowered his body to kiss me hard, his hands running up my nightgown and holding my waist as he kissed me deeply.

"Travis." I whispered, overwhelmed by the emotion in his kiss just as much as I was by the world girlfriend.

"I can't live without you baby..." he whispered in my ear before thrusting himself inside of me in one fast-

"LILA!!!" I sat up, looking around to see my sister standing in my bedroom. I wasn't in Travis's big bed, in fact he wasn't there at all. God it had felt so real....

"Colbs? What are you doing here?"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were seeing Will's coach!?" she asked incredulously. I blinked back at her, rubbing my eyes and pushing my hair away from my sweaty face.

"What time is it?' I glanced at the clock on my night stand and groaned. "Coblie it's my day off! Come back at noon."

"No. Get dressed, your brothers and I need to have a talk." I blinked.

"The whole family is here?! My god I'm not even dating him!!" Colbie rose a brow and then let her eyes trail over to my laundry basket, where a pair of Travis' boxers were sitting on the top.

"Really? Just like he wasn't your type?" I rolled my eyes.

"We're just sleeping together. He's not my type." Coblie shot me another I-don't-believe-you look before throwing a pair of sweats at me.

"We're waiting."

"You're ruining my life." I groaned as I slipped into my sweat pants and threw on a tank.

"That's nothing new." I walked out to find Reese, Josh, and Kolton in the kitchen and living room, Josh cooking something in the kitchen while Kolt flipped through channels.

"Oh were Parker and Derrick not invited to this intervention?" I grumbled, glad that I'd only have to deal with 4 siblings. "You better have made coffee." I glared at Josh and he handed me a steaming mug.

"We don't like this guy Lila." He said, a glare on his handsome face as he folded his arms over his chest.

"He's Will's coach what's not to like?!" I tried the joke when Kolt set the tv on mute and Reese sat down next to me on the couch.

"He has a record Lila!" He shoved a piece of paper in my hand and I stared at it before lifting my head and glaring at him.

"You ran a background check on Travis!?" I threw the papers at him. "Reece that's crazy! And a few speeding tickets isn't a record!"

"A few is 3. He has 10." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes what a terrible un-dateable man. Who by the way I'm not actually dating!"

"Right because you don't date guys do you? Just lead them on and then walk away when someone better comes along?" Kolton shot into the conversation and I looked up at him.


"Riley is in love with you. You know that right? And you're wasting your time with a guy who doesn't even want to meet your family?"

"He knows Colbie! And Will! And he met Reese!"

"Oh yeah, he made a great impression on me, especially the part where he groped you in front of me."

"Colbie!" I looked to my sister for some help but she just shrugged.

"He's a good coach Lila, and I totally see the appeal...all the mom's do, but he's not the guy you actually do anything with, just the guy you fantasize about." My brothers groaned.

"Colbs....seriously." Josh shook his head and I glared at my brothers.

"Are you all seriously lecturing me about having casual sex? Seriously?" They winced again, but none of them could really say anything. "Tell you what. The day one of you is in a monogomous committed relationship? I'll give up Travis." That is if he didn't give me up first. But I didn't say that part.

"Lila, come on. We just don't want you to get hurt." Kolton said offhandedly, looking a little guilty.

"I'm a big girl Kolt. I can handle myself."

"You can't. You're falling for him." Reese cut in. "You're going to get your heart broken. I saw you with him. You've never been that way with any other guy." He was looking at me with a pained, almost pitying look on his face and I swallowed thickly.

"I'm not falling for him." I said adamantly. "And even if I was? It wouldn't be any of your fucking business." I snapped. Everyone looked back at me like I was a crazy person. In their defense, I didn't really snap. I was usually the happy-go-lucky sibling, the one you went to for a good mood and a good time, but this lecture? I wasn't having it.

"Okay. But then don't come running to us when you're alone again." Reese glared, walking out of the door like he did whenever he was too angry to hang around. Hot head.

"I'll go after him." Josh grimaced and shot me a look. "He's just worried about you."

"He should worry more about himself." I replied, turning away as I heard Josh go after Reese. "You two going to hang around and insult me some more?" I asked my two remaining siblings.

"I've gotta get to the bar." Kolt leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "You could do better, that's all." I shook my head.

"You don't even know him." I said softly. He blinked.

"Do you want me to? Because you haven't tried to have us get to know him. Doesn't that tell you something?" He didn't wait for my answer as he followed Reese and Josh outside and I groaned and set my head in my hands.

"Alright Colbs, let me hear it."

"Will's coach? Seriously?" I nodded.


"You're the worst." I glanced up.


"Well now I can't imagine him doing me in the locker rooms, now that I know he's actually doing my baby sister!" I felt my face go hot as Colbie gasped. "Oh my god you two did it in the locker rooms didn't you?" She shook her head. "I'm the one who needs to get laid and you're taking my fantasy guy and making him unattainable." she sighed.

"Oops." I gave her a lopsided grin, since I prefered this to what my brothers had been saying. "If it helps he has a brother who's just as good looking." Well....almost. But I didn't say that.

".....huh. Kinda helps." I laughed. "So is he everything he seems to be?" She gave me a coy smile and I tossed a pillow at her. "Come on! Horny and alone here give me something!" I shook my head.

"He's better. A hundred times over." I admitted. Coblie groaned.

"Damn it. And him. And you." she chucked the pillow back at me and then gave me a look. "You're not falling for him? Really? Reese did his research Lila....the guys a womanizer." I shook my head.

"I know who is." I agreed, swallowing thickly as I ran my hands through my hair. "But you can't really help who you fall for can you?"

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