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I let out a content sigh as I rolled over onto my side, my hand reaching out for Lila blindly since my eyes were still shut and I wasn't sure if I was awake already. Either way, I felt good. We were in Chicago, away from home and from everything, it was just us and the only thought we had was the opening of her art exibition.
"Baby." I muttered under my breath as my palm made contact with her soft skin and I pulled her tiny body against me, my chest pressing against her back. I tilted my head down and pressed a small kiss on her shoulder, loving how warm and soft she was all over.
She didn't make a sound but scooted closer and tangled her legs with mine, letting me know she was awake. I was surprised she wasn't talking already though, she was the one who always started the day full of energy. I hoped she was too relaxed to even talk.
My hand crept under her tank top and slid up her stomach to her chest, I grabbed one of her breasts and let out an appreciative groan, feeling very awake all of a sudden. "Mhm...I just had an idea." I whispered against her neck, trying to seduce her even if I didn't really need to. And still, I did, because lately we fucked like rabbits, even more than usual, and I liked to keep things fun and interesting, I wanted to make her feel desired and wanted. And mine.
She grabbed my hand and pushed it away immediately, "Don't even think about it." She said curtly.
I did a double take, planting my other hand on the mattress and lifting my side off the bed to look down at her. "What?" I asked slowly. It wasn't like she couldn't say no, she could, even if she never did, it was the way she had just turned me down that surprised me.
She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and shielding her emotions from me. "I got my period."
I relaxed again and laid back down, nuzzling her. "I thought I heard you leaving the bed tonight but I wasn't sure." I told her softly, my hand back on her but with a different purprose now. I splayed it on her lower stomach, wishing I could make her feel better. "It's okay baby, how are you feeling?" I asked and she just shrugged. Too quiet. "Cramps?" I tried, all I knew about periods I had learned it from her. I was no girl, of course. She shook her head and once again didn't let out a word. "Baby what's wrong, you're worrying me." I pushed, suddently alarmed. She wasn't acting like herself.
"It's just...I'm not pregnant." She breathed out in a small voice.
My heart sank and at the same I felt relieved. It was nothing bad, she was fine, just upset. I turned her in my arms gently, pushing her hair off of her face. "Look at me." I commanded in a soft voice. When she did as told I could see that she was more than upset, she looked pained. "It's been how long? Two months? Three?" I asked her even though it wasn't really a question, I wanted her to reason. "No one gets pregnant in a heartbeat. It takes time..."
"Yeah no one but my sister." She muttered and I could tell she was almost ashamed to confess me her thoughts.
"Lil." I paused to kiss her nose, "Don't be like that, we'll have our baby, now matter when. We're not in a hurry, don't be upset about something that's going to change sooner than later, be happy because you're here with me and your show opens in a few hours. It's going to be great and I'm proud of you."
“I just thought I’d be uber fertile!!” Lila pouted.
I laughed. Pouting was a good sign, it means she wasn't too upset usually. “Why would you think that?” I chuckled.
“Because Colbie managed to get knocked up twice without even trying!” She retorted. “I apparently never even needed birth control.” She growled.
I explored that possibility and then narrowed my eyes on her. “Why so you could have a kid with that loser Riley?”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t get caveman on me Travis.” She replied, pursing her lips together as if she was holding back.
“I’m just saying.” I shrugged and decided not to push her.
She sighed and pouted because of course she did. She was Lila. “Can you grab me a few pain killers from my bag?” She asked.
I nodded, getting up and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge in the hotel room.
“Travis those water bottles are like 7 dollars each. You could have just gotten me some water from the bathroom.”
I made a face. Who fucking cared if once a year I spent 7 dollars for a bottle of water. “When are you going to start realizing that it’s okay to spend money on things like water. Especially with the amount you spend on shoes.” I pointed out.
“They mark hotel food up like 100%!” She exclaimed.
“And you’re here for the art gallery. So technically it’s a tax write off.” I winked and opened the bottle after grabbing her meds, making her laugh and shake her head.
“I’ve told you how high maintenance you are before right?” She teased.
I smirked. “And I’ve told you I just have good taste.” I winked and leaned down to kiss her. “Are you in a lot of pain?”
She shook her head. "Just normal periods shit. Nothing a few midol wont fix.” She replied, downing them with the water. “I can’t promise I won’t be a moody bitch though.” She sighed.
“I can deal with that.” I chuckled and didn't tell her I dealt with that monthly.
“Mmm see? You’re a keeper.” She smiled as she looked at my face. “Do you want a boy or a girl?” She asked softly.
“Either.” I replied, giving her a grin that showed how excited I was about being a dad. “Both, eventually.” I added.
“Both? The second one will still be with me right?” She teased and I rolled my eyes.
“No I ask all the women I meet to have my children.” I shook my head, and chuckled. “Don’t you want our baby to have a sibling.”
She nodded. “I do.” She agreed. “Maybe not 7 siblings though.” She added. “That was a crowded house.”
I shook my head. “Five boys and two girls? Your mother is a hell of a woman.” I agreed.
“That she is.” She laughed. “She likes you.” She added.
“Does she?” I rose a brow because I was partially surprised. I had been nothing but polite and nice to her, but I was sure Lila's brothers had told their mother I was no good for Lila and all those bullshit I cared nothing about.
“What, not used to being liked by moms?” She teased since I wasn’t exactly the bring home to your mother type.
“Maybe she just likes everyone.” I shrugged.
“Ha!” She laughed. “She did NOT like Colbie’s ex.” She said seriously.
I raised one eyebrow at her, "Who did? Except for Colbie?" I pointed out because I didn't know her ex but from what I had heard from both Lila and my brother he was an asshole with capital a.
She chuckled as she slid her hand under the pillow and adjusted her cheek on it, looking up at me, "Good point." She agreed with me, watching me close as I sat next to her and dropped my hand on her hip, "It's too bad she didn't meet Jax first." She added.
"But if she didn't she wouldn't have Will now." I said back, running my hand up and down her side absintmindedly as I looked back at her.
She furrowed her brows, "When did you become so wise?" She asked seriously before breaking into a fit of giggle. Who needed a baby when I had a baby already to take care of. If our kids were going to be even half cute than she was, I was seriously fucked.
I grinned wide and shook my head, "I have no fucking idea." I said and even if we were just being silly it was also kind of true. If I looked back, I saw a man that was really different from how I was now. What had happened to me? What had happened to me never wanting to change? The answer was four letters only: Lila.
She let out a long sigh, struggling to keep a serious expression on her face, "Being old and that all."
I didn't even bother to argue, instead I leaned down to kiss her lips softly as my hand traveled down her body to stop on her ass. "How long before we have to go to the gallery?" I asked against her mouth, my voice low.
She pushed me flat on the bed before jumping down and walking to her suitcase, "Not enough for what you're thinking." She shook her head.
"Yeah you already made it clear I have zero chances with you today." I groaned and rolled onto my stomach, burying my face into the pillow and wishing I could at least sleep a little more since I wasn't getting any Lila.
"We don't have time and I'm on my period." She said from the other side of the room.
"As if either of those ever stopped us." I muttered, more to myself than to her. Maybe I could nap while she showered. The bed barely moved when Lila went back to me and sat on its edge, poking my side. "What." I asked flatly.
"Are you pouting?" She asked.
"Yes." I admitted because lying was no use. Not lying was no use either, but at least I was being honest.
She chuckled and forced me to look at her, trying to roll me over my side but failing. "Trav, you're being a big baby!" She whined.
I turned my head and raised one eyebrow, "Call me like that again and see what happens."
She shot me an amused look, apparently her good mood was back. "You know how that kind of threat turns me on..." She trailed off, biting down on her lip.
"Great, we're finally on the same page." I lifted myself in a sitting position, grabbing her hips.
"NO!" She protested, managing some way to get out of my hold, "We can't. Not now! We have to get dressed and go to the gallery."
I sighed and let myself fall back on the bed again, "You can shower first, I'll order our breakfast."
She nodded, walking to the bathroom and pointing her bony finger at me, "Don't fall asleep!" She warned.


I killed my cigarette and braced myself to get back inside the gallery, being ready to smile, nod, shake hands and be on my best mood and behaviour. That was the price I had to pay to be with a successful artist, a price I didn't mind to pay at all. I felt someone watching me and I looked around for a pair of eyes, but I had to look down to found them. Big, green and round, planted on a chubby tiny face. I raised one eyebrow at the girl staring at me, she couldn't be older than 3 or 4. "Hi." I told her, confused and surprised.
She blinked her eyes, "Hi." She said simply.
I looked around, watching for someone that could be her parent but no one seemed to care or notice the little girl. "Where's your mom?" I asked her softly, bending to her height.
She frowned and her eyes got even wider if possible, "I don't know. I can't find daddy." She pouted and her bottom lip quivered. Oh god no. What was I supposed to do with her?
"Where was he? What's his name?" I asked her softly, using a tone of voice as gentle as possible and even smiling at her, she had to be scared enough as it was.
"Jacob but mom calls him Jake." She answered, "We were looking at pretty drawings and then I wanted to see one closer and then I was alone." She explained and started sobbing, but at least I knew now she was coming just from the gallery and the chances of finding her father sooner than later were good.
I rubbed her back before grabbing her hand like I had done one million times with Poppy, "I know where to find your daddy, come with me." I told her while I realized how easily kids could be kidnapped. I was a good person so it was okay for me to grab this girl's hand and lead her somewhere, but not everyone was like me. When I'd have my baby with Lila she or he wouldn't ever leave our house. That was the only way.
We walked back into the gallery and I looked around, expecting to spot some man freaking out because he couldn't find his daughter, instead a tall blonde and undeniably gorgeous woman rushed to us. "Oh my god Rosie!" She bent over to pick the girl. I guessed she was her mom.
"I found her outside, said she couldn't find her dad." I explained, trying not to judge this woman or her husband.
"Thank god." She let out a deep breath and studied the girl's face, "Are you okay baby?" She asked and got back a nod. Then she looked at me and smiled. "Thank you for bringing her back inside, I didn't even know she had gotten out." She told me, her face twisting in terror. I felt bad for her.
"It's okay, but try not to lose her again." I said nonchalantly, unable to bit my tongue.
She narrowed her eyes on me, then her face softened. She knew I was right. "I'll make sure to kick my husband's ass." She nodded then extended her free hand, "I'm Violet Morgan."
I shook her hand back, smiling at her relief. "Travis Cole."
"Were you here for the art exibition or you just stumbled on my daughter?" She asked, trying to make a joke to ease the tension while she squeezed her girl against her chest. They were two beautiful girls. Her husband had to be a lucky man, very lucky.
I smirked, "As much as I like to save little girls, no, I'm here because-"
"Travis?" Lila's voice cut into the conversation, looking at me in a questioning way.
"I'm with the artist herself." I said to Violet, then smiled at Lila, reassuring her that everything was fine and I wasn't trying to steal kids or women or anything.
“You’re Lila Trenton!” The woman smiled genuinely.
“I am.” Lila smiled back. “Do you work for the gallery?”
She shook her head quickly, adjusting the adorable little girl on her hip. “Kind of!” She grinned, “I’m Violet Morgan, I work for their PR firm.”
Lila widened her eyes, for some reason surprised. “You planned this whole opening.”
She shrugged like it was no big deal and I had to say I was impressed. “Not the whole thing. Your art is beautiful Miss Trenton. My husband already bought two paintings.”
Lil kept her smile in place, as honest as beautiful. “I’m very flattered.”
“You’re pretty.” The tiny girl told her, reaching out to place her tiny hand on her cheek.
“So are you.” She said softy after swallowing while I wished I could read her mind.
“Rosie, don’t touch people you don’t know.” Violet said, pulling away.
Lila shook her head and smiled. “It’s okay.” I replied. “I like your dress.”
The girl smiled, her whole face lighting up at Lila's compliment and my heart ached a little. Would Lila and I ever have something so beautiful, so wonderful? Would our baby have eyes that blue and rosy cheeks that made you want to cuddle her forever? “It’s purple!!!” She said. “We match!” She pointed at my girl's dress and Lila laughed lightly.
“She really loves purple.” Violet followed, looking like a mixture of frustrated and completely in love with her beautiful daughter.
“I hate purple.” A slightly older boy who looked like almost a carbon copy of Rosie said and sighed.
“Me too.” I agreed, smirking down at the boy. Would we have a boy? Or a girl? Did it really matter? Not to me.
“This is my son Jackson. My husband was supposed to just be dropping off some things but it seems like he decided to lose our children instead.” Violet rolled her eyes.
“I’m not lost.” Jackson replied, looking up at his mother like she was nuts.
“I have a best friend named Jackson.” Lila told him seriously making me grin at her.
He widened his eyes. “Really?” The boy asked.
“He’s also my brother.” I replied. “Do you go by Jax sometimes?”
The little boy nodded. “I never met anyone with my name before.” He said. “Can I go tell dad?”
Violet shook her head. “No stay here. Dad is in trouble for letting you two get lost by yourselves here.”
“Are you going to kick his ass again?” The little Jackson asked making Lila hide a laugh in a cough as Violet glared at him.
“Language!! For god’s sake you’re only 5 years old.” She shook her head.
“Five and a half!!!” He shouted back.
“I apologize for this.” Violet shook her head as a tall blonde man ran up looking frantic. He had to be the husband.
“Vi! Thank god you have Rose.” He reached down to kiss her head. “I set her down for one second to tell Jax something and then she was gone.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Scared the shit out of me.” He said softly, picking her up into his arms and holding her close.
“This is why our son has a potty mouth already.” Violet glared.
“Daddy! They know another Jackson!” The little boy said, tugging on his pants. He looked up as if he was just realizing we were even here.
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Not a problem.” Lila smiled.
“Babe, this is Travis Cole, he rescued your daughter from being hit by a car.” The man widened his eyes.
“She’s being dramatic. But you should be careful not to lose her.” I added, trying not to judge the couple. It had to be hard to have two little kids and everyone made mistakes.
“Thank you so much.” He shook my hand. “I thought Jackson was a handful but I swear this one runs faster already.”
“She does not!” Jax exclaimed, looking offended as Lila laughed.
“I’m Jake Morgan, worst father of the year.” He added, grinning sheepishly and I noticed Lila checking him out.
“You have a beautiful family.” She said seriously.
“Thank you.” Violet said smiling happily up at her handsome husband. “Jake, this is Lila Trenton.”
Jake rose his brows. “The artist?” He asked, gesturing to her painting of an older couple.
“That’s me.” She agreed.
“Your work is amazing. And you’re so young.” He added.
At that I laughed and Lil rolled her eyes. “He likes to remind me how young I am all the time.”
“Ahh he should feel lucky instead.” Violet winked at her.
“He should.” She laughed as she agreed.
"I do." I nodded as I reached for Lila's hand. I felt weird, watching this family and wishing we'd get there too. I never got this feeling when I watched either of my brothers' families, maybe because they were related to me and I considered them just an extension of my own family. "But she's just as lucky, I'm being her arm candy tonight."
Violet let out a small laugh, "I'm sure that someone as talented as Miss Trenton couldn't be with someone less talented than she is." She said, being super nice. It was something I wasn't used to.
"Thank you." Lila blushed deep red, "And call me Lila, please."
"I want candy daddy." Rosie cut into the conversation, showing an exaggerated pout to her dad.
He beamed at her, already nodding when Violet shot him a glare. "You know the rules." Was all she needed to say.
"You'll have some tomorrow baby." He changed his answer and pressed a kiss on the little girls cheek, ignoring her when she buried her face into his neck and started kicking her legs in protest. "I assume you're a couple? How do you manage to look at these paintings without feeling like you're giving away a piece of you?" He asked, back on adult talking.
"Jake!!" Violet elbowed him not so subtly. "Excuse him, he's nosy and doesn't know how to act with people he just met."
I shook my head, "It's fine, I prefer people who don't hide behind appearances and speak their mind." I grinned at the man, feeling on his side because he was obviously dealing with a hell of a woman. And two kids.
"I'm just curious." He shrugged nonchalantly.
"We have so many paintings in our house, pretty much one on each wall." Lila chuckled, looking radiant and I drank in her happiness.
"And I can veto the ones I want to keep." I added, describing what always happened. Thank god we had plenty of room for all her art. "Either that or I just buy them back without telling her."
Violet looked at me with dreamy eyes, "That's kind of romantic, isn't it Jake?" She glanced to her husband the same way my mother glanced to my dad. It was beyond love.
He nodded in agreement. "I bet you have an amazing collection." He commented honestly.
"We do." Lila paused, leaning into my side as I dropped my hand on the small of her back, "And it keeps growing!" She added in a chuckle.
Violets eyes shone as she looked at my girl. "I'd love to see that. I love art."
"She loves beauty." Jacob added as to explain it.
"I'd love to show you but we're not from here as you probably know already." Lila sighed, looking genuinely sorry about that. "I can send you some pictures though, if you're interested." And that was the business girl in her kicking in.
Violet nodded, "Sure! That'd be great. Not just because I really love your work, but because we could use your paintings for other exhibitions too." The woman said excitedly. Bingo. I mentally high fived Lila.
"I'm booored." The little man said, starting to bang his head against his mothers long legs.
I laughed, kind of surprised that he was still there with us without complaining too much. "We adults are boring." I winked at him.
“Yeah.” Little Jackson agreed, looking more than frustrated.
Lila laughed and leaned down to be more on his level. He looked over at her and his little cheeks flushed pink. “Do you like to paint?” She asked him.
He shrugged. “Sometimes.” He said. “I can draw a transformer!”
Lila widened her eyes and smiled bigger. “Optimus Prime or Megatron?” She asked and his blue eyes brighted while I wondered how she knew shit like that.
“Optimus!!!” He said. “Do you know about Transformers?!”
She gave him a silly look.  “Who doesn’t know about Transformers?” She asked. Well, I did. Maybe one day when I'd be a father I'd know everything about what kids like, for now it was just pointless.
He grinned, showing off missing front teeth as Lila took a small pad of paper and a sketching pencil that She kept with her always. “Can you draw him for me?”
He grinned and nodded. “Mom can I sit down over there?” He asked, pointing to a row of chairs just a few yards away.
“Yes, but don’t wander around, if you need something, come find me.”
He nodded and ran to the chair, his hand moving over the small pad of paper like he was in a trance.
“That was impressive.” Jacob said, grinning down at Lil.
“Yes it was.” I agreed, leaning down to press a kiss against her temple.
“Do you have kids?” Violet asked.
Lila swallowed thickly and shook her head but didn't find her voice. “Hopefully soon.” I smiled as I asnwered and squeezed her hand.
“I have a 15 year old nephew and a new baby niece. They’re both hoping for cousins soon.” Lil added.
“Baby?” The tiny girl asked, her eyes wide. “Mommy’s baby?” She pointed to her mothers stomach and Violet laughed.
“No not this one.” She winked at her.
“Congratulations seem to be in order.” I said softly, masking my sadness because I knew it was completely irrational.
“You don’t even look like you’ve had one child let alone 2 and a third coming.” Lila said seriously.
“Good genetics.” Jacob grinned at her.
“Ahh yes, the only thing my parents gave me.” Violed chuckled, she seemed to radiate a happiness that I could feel only came from going through a hard time. “But I’m only a few months along, I won’t start showing for a bit. I feel huge though, I want to eat everything. That tells me it’s another boy.”
“Oh goodness, I wonder how my mother remained so slim, she had five boys.” Lila pointed out.
“Five! And you?” Violet asked, her pretty eyes shining.
“And my sister.” Lil added.
“I think we’ll probably stop with this one.” Jacob laughed. “They’re a handful as it is. Your mother must be a saint.”
“That she is.” She agreed.
“What is it you do Mr. Cole?” Jacob asked me as I idly ran my hand up and down her back.
“Travis, please. I work for Apple.” I smiled. Now, my job was a thing I was happy to talk about.
“A business man and an artist? Opposites do attract.” He smirked.
“You have no idea.” Lila chuckled.
“You’re one to talk. What exactly did we have in common when we first started dating?” Violet asked her man.
“We’re both super good looking.” He grinned. “And lifelong friendship of course.” He added with a shrug.
“Were you high school sweethearts?” Lila asked, looking all dreamy.
“God no.” Violet shook her head. “But part of me wishes we had been.” She added and looked up at her husband adoringly, pushing the blonde curls away from her daughters eyes.
“What about you?” I asked, wondering if they were real. They were so perfect.
“I’m in the entertainment business.” He said softly, almost modestly and I liked that.
“He’s being humble. He’s an executive producer for CBC.” Violet explained. Damn, that was good. So perfect family perfect job. Lucky man.
“You’re far too handsome to work behind the scenes though!” Lila teased and he shrugged.
“I know I keep telling people that.”
“Oh ridiculous man.” Violet shook her head.
“Mommy hold me.” Rosie reached out for her mother and wrapped her arms around her neck, nuzzling into it.
Violet grabbed her and held her against her as she looked down at her, "Are you tired baby?" She asked softly and the little girl nodded.
Jacob looked at us, giving us an apologetic smile, "I think that's our cue to go."
"I'm glad we met, you did a great job here." Lila told the woman, her voice showing her honesty and gratitude.
"I just did my job." She grinned back at my girl. "Let's keep in touch, maybe we can work together again in the future."
"That'd be great. I can give you my number!" Lil said back and a second later she was handing her card.
I watched them silently, happy for her, then glaced to the blonde kid who was still focused on whatever he was drawing. "Don't forget that one." I smirked, nodding to Jacob.
He made a face, "That already happened once."
"His fault of course." Violet rolled her eyes and let out a sigh, killing me a little. The dinamics between them was so different from mine and Lila's. "Jackson! We're going!" She called after him.
He walked to us lazily then lightened up when he showed his work to Lila. "This is for you, I hope you like it!" He announced with pride in his voice.
Lila widened her eyes, "It's beautiful! You're so good! Thank you Jackson." She said and leaned down to kiss his cheek, making him blush furiously.
"Someone's in love." I teased and Jacob laughed with me.
We exchanged goodbyes with the promise of keeping in touch and maybe even see each other again. It was so weird, Lila and I didn't exactly have friends in common, I had mine and she had hers, we went out with them, but the groups never mixed. This couple, even if we had just met them, was the first one we had known together. It was nice. Lila let out a deep breath as she leaned against me. "You okay baby?" I asked, kissing the side of her head.
She nodded, "I need some air." She said seriously.
I escorted her out, my smile still in place, "Everything's going great so far. Your art sells really well." I paused as I thought about how to expand her business, "You should launch an app with all your pieces."
She blinked at me. "What? Sorry I wasn't listening." She confessed.
I faked a serious face, "Thank you." I broke into a grin, but when she just sighed I went back to serious. "Baby, what are you thinking about?"
"They were a beautiful family." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I nodded silently, my hand running up and down as I waited for her to add more. "I hope one day we'll have one like theirs."
I placed my index finger under her chin and lifted her face gently. "We will." I said simply, boring my eyes into hers.
She looked at me like a lost deer, "What if we won't?" She asked in a small voice.
I shook my head, wishing I could just do something that would change her mind which was set on being dramatic and catastrofic. It had been just a few months right? Nothing to worry about. Yet. "We'll steal one of my brothers' kids." I told her with a shrug.
My trick worked and she finally let out a small chuckle. "Come on be serious."
"I am. We should get Colbie's and Jax's actually. Ruby or the next one, they'll have the genes of both of us anyway." I grinned at her as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders to pull her against me.
She let out a deep breath as she sneaked her arms around my waist, "That's crazy because it's true."
I bent my head down to press a kiss on her nose, "Trust me baby, we'll get there."

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