
Charlie 4 Years Old

"HI!" I said running up to Jax who was staring at a book.
"Hi." He said without even looking at me.

"Will you teach me how to swim? Uncle Josh said he would but he's not even here." Jackson set his book down and stared at me.
"Why are you asking me?" He asked, and his eyes were staring at me and I couldn't even stop looking at them.
"Because I like you."
"I'm busy. Ask someone else." He put the book back up to his face and I felt sad.
"You're not busy. You're just staring at that book." I said and put my hand on my hips.
"I'm reading Charlotte and you're interrupting me. A lot."
"Charlotte is my big name." I said. "Are you mad at me?" He let out a long breath, like Dad did sometimes.
"No. But I'm trying to read."
"Sometimes my mommy reads." I said. "But usually she just makes up a story out of her head!"
"I can do that." Jax said.
"No you can't" I shook my head. "Only grown ups can."
"No." He replied. 'If you can read you can make up stories." He replied. I felt sad again.
"I can't do either." I said and felt awful. I couldn't read, couldn't make up stories, couldn't swim. "I can't do anything!" I exclaimed and felt the sad coming out of my eyes.
"Oh don't be a little baby." He said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm not a baby!" I shouted. "Only Chris is a baby!"
"Then prove it." He said, looking at me and I shut my mouth and tried to be a big girl.
"But I'm sad." Jax let out a long breath again.
"Do you want me to read to you?" I felt surprised, no one Jax's age ever really wanted to play with me. He was so much bigger.
"YES!" I squealed and he smiled. SMILED!
"Okay, sit next to me." He said and I sat down quick.
"This story is about robots." He said and pointed to a picture.
"I love robots!" I said because I liked anything he liked.
"Me too." He smiled again and I wiggled to get closer to the book. This was a really good day.

Charlie 12 years old
 "Oh my god you're so lucky." Rosie said sighing as Poppy told us all about her first kiss.
"Luke is so hot." She sighed. "And his lips were really soft for a boy."
"Compared to what? Girls?" I laughed and Poppy shrugged.
"I dunno. I just wasn't expecting it I guessed." I laughed with Rosie and stared up at the stars as the fireworks started.
"So are you like dating now?" Rosie asked, playing with her long hair. Poppy just shrugged.
"I think so." She nodded.
"I hope my first kiss is with Jason Johnson." Rosie said.
"Eww think of all the places his lips have already been." I laughed and Rosie hit me while Poppy laughed with me.
"You seriously don't like ANY of the boys in our school." Ruby said, toweling off her hair from the beach.
"No." I shook my head.
"No you're saving your first kiss for Rosie's brother." Poppy teased and I felt my face go red.
"Eww! What?!" Rosie gave me a sour face. "You like John?!" I scrunched up my nose and shook my head.
"No way! He's like my brother too!" I laughed and Poppy snorted.
"That's funny since I know that's not how you feel about Jackson....." She trailed off and I bit down on my lip.
"What?" Jackson's deep voice came out of nowhere and I felt my eyes go wide as I wondered how long he'd been standing there.
"Hi." I said, as my cousins laughed and Rosie just shook her head at me. Whatever. I didn't embarrass easily.
"They're just teasing me because I don't like any of the boys in our class." I shrugged it off like it was nothing and he just glanced at me.
"I'm sure your dad would approve." He smirked and winked at me. My stomach flipped and I felt all tingly everywhere. He had always been larger than life to me, someone I wanted to be around just for the sake of being around him, but now? He was all big and tall and....so hot.
"See ya later." He grinned and ruffled Rosie's hair before going to watch the fireworks with his friends. And a stupid red haired girl that kept holding his stupid hand.
"Oh my god you like Jax!!!" Rosie said, hitting me and pulling me out of my fantasy where I shoved that girl into the ocean.
"So? He's way better than any of the other guys I know."
Charlie, 14 years old
I glanced as I saw Jax walking out of the Morgan's house with a big box full of stuff he was loading into his car.
"Where are you going?"
"To Stanford." He said with a grin and my heart sank a little.
"Already?! I thought you'd leave next week."
"Yep. Already." he nodded as he packed his trunk and then stood up to look me over. "Don't be too sad. I'll come back again next summer." He winked and that tingly feeling hit me the way it always did when Jax was around.
I shrugged. "I thought you'd be here for the end of summer party." I said casually as if I hadn't bought a new dress so maybe he might look at me with something other than pity. I hated guys.
"Ahh. Well have an extra hot dog for me." I scrunched up my nose.
"I hate hot dogs."
"Well then your mom's potato salad. I will miss that." He smiled as he leaned against his old red car. My stomach flipped and I debated rolling my eyes at myself because you'd think I'd get over my reaction to Jax after 14 years but nope. Still stupid butterflies.
"Did you decide on a major?" I asked, pulling my hair up out of my face as the wind blew and stuck it to my lipgloss.
"Literature." He replied.
"Fits you." I smiled and let out a long breath. What did I think was going to happen anyways? That he'd all of a sudden realize I wasn't actually his little sister and be smitten? I needed to find boys my own age. But god 14 year old boys were the worst.
"Hey you ready to go?" Rosie asked, pulling her sunglasses from her beach bag and setting them on her head
"Yeah." I nodded. "Just saying goodbye to your brother."
"Oh yeah, you're finally leaving huh?" She teased and then threw her arms around him.
"Don't study too hard. You know, get drunk at a frat party, fail a test, get an std, normal college stuff." I snorted and Jackson just shook his head.
"You're nuts." He kissed the top of her head.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone." He replied and she laughed.
"So I should stay in my room and write poetry? Pass. Come on Char we gotta meat everyone at the boat!" I nodded and then felt Jax pull me closer into a hug that quite literally took my breath away. My whole body turned into a tingly mess and my senses were totally overwhelmed with the scent of him, the feel of his hard body against mine.
"See you next summer kid." He replied and pulled away, leaving me momentarily speechless. Which never happened.
"Good lord." Rosie shook her head. I didn't even move as I watched him pull out of the driveway onto the road. My stomach twisted inside me thinking about how long it would be since I would see him again.
"Hey pretty girl." John said, running out of the house and winking at me. "You ready for a day of fun in the sun?"
"No one says fun in the sun anymore. Who are you?" Rosie asked her brother.
"I'm retro." He winked. "Come on there are girls in bikini's waiting for me at the beach!"
"I don't think they're waiting for you." I laughed, trying to recompose myself.
"What's wrong with her?" John asked Rosie. "She's all red and dazy."
"Jax hugged her goodbye and now she's picturing their wedding." Rosie deadpanned.
"You know I could totally kick your a.ss." I said, glaring at my friend.
"Sure." Rosie laughed.
"Why did you have to like boring Jackson when I am right in front of you just waiting for you to say the words." John grinned at me and I shook my head.
"Because guys like you are the reason I don't date."
"Ha! Your dad is the reason you don't date." He replied. "And I don't blame you your dad is scary as shi.t."
"He's not that bad." I shrugged, walking towards the beach where all our friends were, wishing I was on a car heading towards Palo Alto instead. I had to be born four years too late. I blamed my parents.
Charlie, 16 years old
I made it to the tree branch outside of my window when my phone vibrated. Justin again, wondering why I wasn't at his boat yet. When I tried to put it back into my pocket I missed my footing and fell off the branch into the bushes below.
"Ouch!" I moaned. "S.hit." Well at least it wasn't too far up. I didn't break anything. 
"Charlotte?" A voice asked slowly, scaring me a little as I stood up and wiped the leaves off my body.
"Jackson?" I blinked back, more than suprised since I hadn't seen him in...more than two years. Aparently college was too fun and he decided to stay forever. "What are you doing here??"
"What are you doing here. I'm on my side of the propriety." he grinned at me and damn if my stomach didn't react again. He looked the same, maybe a little older, but his smile? That was ingrained in my memory forever. I bit down on my lip and shrugged.
"I like landing on my a.ss while sneaking out of my house sometimes."
"Right. Are you okay? Did you get hurt or something?" he asked.
"Maybe a scratch here and there." I shrugged and my eyes moved to my legs which were kinda scratched but nothing major. "I'm fine."
"So you're sneaking out uh? Your dad is going to kill you if he finds out." he pointed out, like everyone always did whenever I did something "bad". "I hope it's worth it."
"Trust me my dad wouldn't notice even if a bomb went off tonight. Mom made dinner and then put on a nightgown instead of sweatpants if you know what I mean." I made a face and Jackson just started laughing which did something to my stomach I hadn't felt for years.
"Okay then." He just nodded and sipped his beer as I climbed over the fence, grabbing a seat next to him on the porch.
"Besides what my dad doesn't know won't hurt him." I grinned. "Got another of those?" I asked nodding towards the bottle neck he was holding.
"No." He grumbled and I shot him a look.
"But I'm thirsty." I replied.
"I'll get you some water. You're underage." I just started laughing.
"So are you! God I knew Stanford was full of hypocrites."
"I'm barely underage." He rolled his eyes but still set the beer aside.
"Ahh such a good guy." I sighed. "If only the world had more of you to bore us with." He turned to glare at me and then his stare turned more intense.
"You think I'm boring?" I smiled, biting down on my lips as I shook my head.
"No. But I don't really know you that well do I?"
"We basically grew up together. I taught you to read." I nodded and smirked as I thought about all the other things I'd love him to teach me. If only I was just a bit older.
"You did." I agreed. "We'll have a good time with your rebellious beer." I teased.
"Where are you going at this hour?" He asked and I turned around to look at him, he looked the same as he did the say he left for school, still the perfect mix of smart and sexy that made my mind go crazy.
"Are you barely underage or 50?" I asked. "You sound like my dad."
"I just meant-"
"I like walking on the beach at night. It's my favorite time to just think." I said seriously, knowing he was probably picturing me sneaking out to do something much more scandalous.
"You can come with me if you'd like." He looked like he was considering it but then shook his head.
"No thanks. I think I'll pass." he said quietly and I tore my face away from his to hide my dissapointment. "Were you really going out just for a walk? You look a little underdressed for that."
"I didn't know there was a dress code to take a walk on the beach." I smirked.
"When did you become such a smarts.ss?"
"Maybe when you weren't here last summer." I replied, as I licked my lips then caught my tongue between my teeth and watched him.
"Probably." he nodded. I cocked my head to the side and leaned back. "Where were you last summer? You said you'd come back."
"No one told you?" he asked, genuinely surprised.
"Rosie said you went to London but didn't add much. She was too busy talking about her boyfriend."
"Her what?!" he widened his eyes and I laughed.
"Don't worry they broke up." I bit down on my lip again then elbowed him lightly. "Don't change the subject."
"I went for a summer school." he shrugged but didn't elaborate.
"Sounds boring." I sighed and he glared at me which made me break my pout to smirk at him. "So you study a lot and say no to girls who ask you to take a walk. What else is there?"
"If you keep talking this loud your dad is going to hear you and he'll come to kill me." he said again.
"Are you afraid of my dad?" I asked, laughing because...well who wasn't?
"What?! No. I just want to finish college that's all." he grinned at my then his eye dropped on my knee. "You're bleeding." he frowned and got up. "Come inside I'll give you a bandaid."
"You're not scared to wake up your parents?" I teased but Jake and violet had never been like dad. They were more easy going. I'd never even seen Jake yell. Violet did sometimes but only if Rosie and I got caught.
"They don't get in until tomorrow."
"So you have the whole house to yourself? And all you're doing is sneaking one beer? What kind of a college kid are you?" I laughed as I hopped up onto the counter next to the sink where he was pulling out a first aid kit.
"The responsible kind." He replied, wetting a washcloth and handing it over to me but I just started at him.
"I don't like blood." I said softly and he rose a brow before slowly wiping the washcloth over my skin and putting a bandaid on top, patting my knee. And somehow that was sexier than making out in the back of Justin's convertible after football games. I wonder if he could tell that just the barest touch of his hand on my leg was like fire all over my body. I wondered if that was even normal.
"There. All better."
"Such a good nurse." I grinned and he rolled his eyes. "I like your house. My mom said they rented out this house for guests when her and my dad got married. Dad stayed here with his brothers and mom snuck in because she couldn't sleep without him. Romantic huh?"
"I don't really look at your dad and think romantic." He chuckled.
"Yeah...me either." I shrugged. "He does it for mom though or I wouldn't be here."
"I thought all girls ended up dating men like their fathers." He commented and I walked up closer to him than I ever would have two years ago. Two years and new boobs brought out a lot of confidence in a girl.
"Nah. I like em smart and sexy...less obvious. And boring." I teased, licking my lips and seeing if I could get even a hint of a reaction from him that I'd get from the boys at school when I turned on the charm. All he did was just stare at me with no expression. Sigh.
"You should go home Charlie." he said finally. Aweome.
"Because it's late." was his big reply. I just laughed.
"It's not late. If you want to kick me out you have to find a better excuse." I challenged, folding my arms across my chest as he glanced at me.
"I don't want to kick you out but-" my phone rang and cut him off but I just hit the silent button. "You can answer."
"It was no one." I smiled but tore my eyes away to look around the house. "Why are you home anyway? Don't you have friends to be with?"
"I was out late last night so I'm behaving. I'll see my friends tomorrow." he explained. "I was just planning to watch a movie."
"Is that an invitation?" I grinned back at him, wider.
"No. But you can stay if you want." He laughed.
"Cool." I kicked off my shoes and plopped myself on the couch as he grabbed the remote, putting some car chase movie on.
"Seriously? I'd have thought a literature major would be watching something with subtitles or something." I smirked and he shrugged.
"Sometimes you want mindless car chases what can I say."
"Mindless car chases or hot girls in bikinis?" He laughed as he sat down next to me though I definitely noticed he sat as far away as the small couch would let him. I sighed. It wasn't as if I'd been pining for him for two years or anything, though he did make guest appearances in my more stimulating dreams...but I guess a part of me had always thought that maybe someday he'd look at me and see more than just the 4 year old he taught to read. Whatever. It wasn't like I was struggling for male attention or anything. Justin texted me again, wondering why I hadn't met him at the beach. I'd just tell him I'd fallen asleep tomorrow.
"You're popular at midnight." Jax commented.
"Not just at midnight." I replied with a grin but kept my eyes on the movie.
"You ever going to answer?" I glanced to him for a moment shook my head.
"Rude." he commented.
"If I ignored you and gave all my attention to my phone you'd think I'm rude too." I retorted, glaring at him but his eyes were on the movie.
"Not rude. Just that you're making the wrong choice." his lips curved into a smirk and I broke into a grin.
"Oh god and why would that be wrong." He turned his head towards me, smirk still in place and only getting wider when our eyes met. "Because whoever that was, I'm better."
"When did you get so c.ocky?" I asked, more than amused.
"Probably when I was away last summer." he replied with a shrug.
"A lot happened last summer then." I said slowly and adjusted myself on the couch, lifting my legs and folding them unto side. Scooting a little closer to him. "Why are you better?"
"I'm sure I'm better than any 16 year old."
"Ha! So you're better than me too?!" I scoffed.
"Definitely." he teased me and I narrowed my eyes on him.
"I dunno. I think I'm way more interesting." I commented. "I have family who are on tv. And movies." I commented. "And have olympic medals. And art in museums. And airplanes."
"So you're saying you're the underachiever of the family then."
"It's more than you have."
"I have a 4.0 grade point average." He teased.
"So do I." I scoffed. "Is that supposed to be hard?" He rose a brow.
"You do?"
"What because I'm blonde I can't be smart?" I asked. He shook his head.
"No you just don't seem like the studying type."
"You're right. I'm not much for studying." I admitted. "Because I'm not boring." I added with a smirk.
"So you're better than me because you're not boring and you have famous family members?" He laughed.
"Yes. Also the most important reason." I added, turning back to the movie.
"What's that."
"I have boobs." I shrugged and he coughed on his drink as I tried not to laugh. "Automatically better." I winked and he shook his head.
'God you have no filter do you?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I don't see any reason to not say what you're thinking is all." I replied. "Do you have a girlfriend at school?" He blinked back at me.
"Why not?" I asked. "You're smart, decent looking." Understatement of the year Charlie. He shrugged.
"I haven't met anyone I guess."
'There are no date worthy girls at Stanford? You're a monk there?" I laughed. "No wonder you went to London. Oh wait did you fall in love in London and she broke your heart? That would be a great story." He laughed.
"Your mind goes very fast doesn't it?" He shook his head.
"Sometimes." I admitted, watching as the main characters started kissing and clothes started coming off. I bit down on my lip, folding my legs up under me as I watched the movie.
"You like this movie for the car chases huh?" I asked, feeling my cheeks heat up a bit.
"I don't like this movie, John does." he glanced at me. "Why are you blushing?"
"I'm not." I grumbled, cursing my fair skin.
"Does s.ex embarrass you? They're barely half naked." He teased and I wiggled against my seat because no, just being around him and sex was....awkward. For me only obviously.
"No." I almost snapped and this time I forced myself to look at him. "Do you really know what s.ex is? Aren't you a monk?"
"You said I am, I never said it." he grinned and I rolled my eyes, wondering exactly what that meant. He didn't have a girlfriend...
"Whatever." I stared at the tv instead.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked and I just shrugged.
"Why are you asking?" I asked back.
"Why did you ask me first?" Um...because I've wanted to be your girlfriend since I knew what that meant? That didn't seem like a good answer though.
"I was curious. Is it a crime?" I said defensively, crossing my arms across my chest.
"I'm curious too." he replied, now looking right at me. "Was it him texting you?"
"He's not my boyfriend." I admitted eventually, biting down on my lip. "Just someone I'm seeing." She added in a lower voice.
"Do you like him?" he asked.
"He's good looking. Has a nice car, a boat too..." Fuc.k that made me sound awful. But it wasn't like he was dating me for my personality lets be honest.
"You could do better."
"At least he's not boring." I lied.
"You don't even know if I'm boring or not so stop making assumptions."
"Are you suggesting I start seeing you?" I grinned wider,  joking with him though it wasn't really a joke at all.
"No. I was just saying that you shouldn't think that just because a guy likes studying then he's automatically boring. I'm defending my category, that's all." I rolled my eyes but smiled, leaning my head back on the couch but still looking over at him.
"Fine. What makes of you a not boring guy?"
"I can't give all my secrets away. I'll just say that I don't own a boat but I have a bike and that's much more fun anyway."
"Oooh that is better. Good for you." He rose a brow.
"How would you know if that's better?" I laughed.
"Well you told me, and obviously you're brilliant." I started. "Plus my dad loves bikes, we rode all the way here from the city once, it was awesome."
"First you say I'm boring and now this is the second time you're comparing me to your dad." I laughed, really laughed this time.
"You're nothing like him instead." I said through my giggles. "Except for the bikes. And he doesn't really like Justin either." I added with a wince. "Then again he doesn't really like anyone." I shrugged. "What else makes you super interesting Jackson Morgan? You know your name sounds like a cocktail." I teased.
"Hmm. They should name a cocktail after me."
"Yeah it can be stolen beer mixed with the water you offer to girls." I laughed at my own joke and he just shook his head.
"You're quite the joker for being a high schooler." her retorted.
"I try."
"What do you do for fun then?" He asked and I shrugged.
"Walk on the beach?" I offered.
"Are you still pretending that's what you were doing?" He asked, raising a brow.
'I'm a little concerned that you're going to tell on me if I'm being honest." I laughed. "But no, I was supposed to meet friends to go night swimming." I shrugged.
"And you'd rather be here?" He questioned.
"I'm catching up with an old friend." I retorted. "I like to take pictures." I said quickly, not really elaborating because honestly anyone with a phone could take a good picture, it's not like it took talent or anything.
“That was….random.”
“What is?” he shrugged but smiled, so it didn't seem like he was thinking I was nuts or anything.
“That’d you call me an old friend and you tell me that you like taking pictures.”
"Well those are both true aren’t they?” I questioned quietly, looking down at my hands.
“Are you saying you’re into selfies?” He asked instead, teasing me now and I just laughed.
“Are you telling me you never snap a selfie or two?” he asked with a grin and I felt my face flush again.
"Well, maybe.” I admitted, biting down a grin, “But that’s not what I meant when I said I like taking pictures.”
“What pictures are you talking about then?” he asked, and actually seemed genuinely intersted.
“Anything that inspires me.” I said with a shrug as I lifted my hand to grab a wisp of my hair, twirling it around my fingers so I had something to do with my hands.
“That’s generic.” he commented with another smirk.
“Why should I tell you if you’re only making fun of me?” Jax chuckled and shook his head.
“But I’m not! I promise.” he smiled but I still wasn't sure. “Do you use your phone or do you actually have a camera?”
“Both.” I replied, though I preferred my camera, even if sometimes it was more work.
“I’d like to see your pictures.”
"I took the picture of Rosie she uses as her profile picture everywhere." I admitted. "But I don't think I have any of the good ones on my phone..." I trailed off.
"Wait, Rosie said she good those taken professionally." Jax said, pulling out his phone and pulling up his sisters profile, showing me the picture of my friend who I'd caught in a moment of happiness. Rosie was gorgeous already but when she laughed she radiated something so warm and honest and it had just been the right place right time.
"She says that because it makes her sound like a model." I rolled my eyes, though I did like to use my friends as subjects a lot.
"Damn." Jackson said as he stared down at the picture of his sister.
"I have this one too." I said pulling up the picture that showed up on my phone whenever my mom or dad called me. Dad was reaching out and pushing mom's hair back and the look on his face was the softest I'd ever seen him, while the look on mom's face was just so much love it was almost overwhelming to look at. You could say a lot about my parents, but you couldn't say they weren't just totally crazy about each other when it was so obvious they were soulmates.
"Holy shi.t." Jax grabbed my phone and looked closer at the picture. "They look so young." I smiled.
"They do look younger when they look at each other." I nodded. "Love must keep you young. I love catching moments like that. Moments that are so honest that you can't change your face." Jax set my phone down on the coffee table in front of us and looked at me and for a moment it felt so intense that I had to look away.
"I'd love to see all your pictures Charlie." He said softly.
"That would take too long." I shrugged. "You'd waste a whole summer with a girl you don't even call a friend."
"I-" he started and my phone started going off again and again and this time it was right in front of both of us.
"If you fell asleep I'm going to be so pissed." I rolled my eyes and snatched my phone before Justin said something else that I didn't necessarily want Jax to see.
"He seems....impatient." I sighed.
"You have no idea." I shook my head and threw my phone into my bag on silent.
"Why do you hang out with him if he annoys you so much?" He asked, looking curiously at me.
"Because he annoys me less than any other guy around." I admitted. "And he's nice to look at." I added, since Justin was admittedly hot, though he didn't make my whole body tingle like Jackson did ever since I could remember. What did that even mean? Would I only ever get tingly over guys who wanted nothing to do with me? That was depressing.
"What's wrong?" He asked and I blinked up at him.
"You were pouting." He pointed out.
"Oh. I guess I was having an internal monologue and it got depressing." I admitted, feeling myself blush again. I blushed too damn easily.
"Care to share?" he asked, turning off the tv finally since we weren't watching it anyways.
"Nope. We're not even friends."
"We are friends. More than friends." I rose my brows and he made a face. "I mean you don't know your normal friends since you were wearing a diaper."
"That makes me sound super sexy." I said and kept blushing.
"You don't need to sound sexy." he said and I almost rolled my eyes before he ran a finger against my cheek making my whole body go warm. "You're blushing."
"Am I?" I asked, more like choked out the words until he pulled back.
"A little." je paused and ran a hand through his hair. "You should go home."
"Why?" I pouted a little. "I like being with you."
"We can do this again any other time." he said. "We have the whole summer."
"Promise?" I aksed as I stood up and he smirked as he nodded.
"Promise. I'm walking you home."
"That's silly but okay." I chuckled in the dark as we walked to the back of the house.
"I don't want you to fall on your a.ss again." he grinned and helped me to the other side of the fence before following me to under my window.
"You know. My dad could really kill you if you found you here." I whispered.
"I'm brave. Good night Charlie." I leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his cheek.
"See you tomorrow Jax."

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